Category P2 Poetry

Another poem for the Irish Radical

Overconsumption of fizzy water Makes me dizzywhen i swish it in my mouth suddenly im godand my eyes water a littleit removes the sour tasteof putrid flesh and morning breathi saw a fat man smoking cigarettesAnd had the urge to grab one from…

Eulogy of Peter Thiel

Pulped like a fleshlight. Nothing even. Honestly. Put me in the right lighting. My skin looks like Jacob Elordi. What can you do. My fingers. Like hell. Blacked out in 2023. Now we’re here. Like hell. I fly around the…

At Fault

“It’s all your fault,” says the orange guy that owes millions of dollars.“It’s all your fault,” says the big guy who poisons our rivers.“It’s all your fault,” says the guy who can’t defend our rights.“It’s all your fault,” says the…

Stop Silencing Our Voices

Free, Free, Free PalestineRoared the corners of Angela BoulevardAnd complicit with genocide Notre Dame BoulevardAs asinine “leaders” met among sacred and guarded walls.Amy Phony Coney Barrett and the crony man, Alex Stein,Spoke at the culpable illustrious University of Notre Dame…


Let’s go for a coffee, no?One where babies pick the rich,Fragment beans that growIn the militant-driven worlds of Latin America.Rest in Peace, My RazaOr where humanitarians painfully crowFor aid and the richness of laborers?Rest in Peace, Ethiopian Field WorkersWhat about…

Your mother

You scream atgore and whores in filmsbut show indifference to the children your mother killsIt must be a lieyou’ve never seen it happen Your mother reeks of metal and Agent OrangeThe unexploded bombs in Laosamerican soldier yellow feverI fetishize neoliberals for…