Flowers of Resistance: A Communitarian Cry

Communitarianism: The ideology of advocating for the recognition of common values, collective responsibility, and a connection with community. 
Why do I define this notion of unity?
We are alive during a time when greedy capitalist leaders and controlling governments brutally birthed scrutiny.
Yes, scrutiny existed prior to this time, but it now feels bloodily rapid.
Visible damages shown globally. 24/7, 365. 
Inopportunity for the masses that were never ‘democratically’ represented.

There is no room for communitarianism to flourish.
Because in a world where cowards run their mouths with false promises that do not cherish its people
The illegal seeds that the hypocrites planted, bloom. 

Hemlocks, Foxgloves, and Angel Trumpets1 invade our sacred garden in our global communes.
Because in a world where toxic governmental figures conquer our lands, the figure of death looms
Reminding us that the fate of our end is in their hands. 
We have witnessed the death of over 33,000
2 innocent flowers in our global communes.
Because in a world where innocence dies screaming, communitarianism is forced to be born out of fumes
Of frustration and anger, but also
painful hope.  

Our bruised and blistered hands try to remove them, some with gloves, but many suffer.
Toxins slip into our bodies. 
For our Palestinian brothers and sisters, this is not new. Poisonous flowers have been invading their sacred garden since 1948
Allah’s love and their communal resilience protect their precious garden but|
Carbon clouds and ember light engulf patches. 

Our cries for removal make the Hemlocks falsely embrace our 6 month frustration.
We call for a ceasefire, a complete one that is, and
not a 3 day probation4.
Our cries for removal make the Foxgloves sway faithlessly from our 6 month exasperation. 
We call for the liberation of Palestinians, so they may continue living faithfully in peace. 
Our cries for removal make the Angel Trumpets ungraciously sing to our 6 month aggravation.
We call for an end to mass global occupation and the decease of the trading of arms.

If the Hemlocks, Foxgloves, and Angel Trumpets do not comply
Then, my friends, defy against them. 
Apply the teachings of Allah (God) Creator of our Earth and of man – 
“Fight in Allah’s cause against those who fight you, but do not exceed limits.”
Pull out the Hemlocks, Foxgloves, and Angel Trumpets, carefully.
Pull them out until our calls are heard.
Pull them out until the sacred gardens of Palestine are extinguished. 
Pull them out until liberation and peace are achieved universally. 

  1. These are poisonous flowers. ↩︎
  2. According to a 7 April 2024 article on Aljazeera more than 33,000 Palestinians have been killed. 13,800 of those deaths have been children. ↩︎
  3. The creation of Israel and the year of the Arab-Israeli War. ↩︎
  4. Reference to Joe Biden saying “We need a cease-fire” and he enacts a 3-day ceasefire. ↩︎
  5. Surah Al-Baqarah – 2:190. ↩︎

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